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Tom, Clearwater
Dear customer support, I finally received my package yesterday. And, all is good. It took its time getting here, but it made it.
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I prefer herbal products as they are safer. These Indian ones are great. My friends were curious what happened that I lost some weight and look joyful. When I revealed my secret they also decided to use Acai berry.
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At-home saliva test may catch deadly prostate cancers
Research suggests cheap and simple spit tests may be better at catching the disease than blood tests.
Thousands of cancer patients to trial personalised vaccines
Thousands of people in England are set to get access to a new type of treatment to fight their disease.
NHS computer issues linked to patient harm
IT failures have been linked to the deaths of three patients and more than 100 cases of serious harm.
Junior doctors call five-day pre-election strike
Ministers accuse doctors' union of "cynical" tactics with walkout due to start on 27 June in England.
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