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Vitamin C based products made out of 100% natural ingredients, Amalaki is a great rejuvenator for all types of users. Good for both the body and mind, this herbal product is set to offer the same helpful remedies as our ancestors used to take. Safe and reliable, perfect for eliminating the stress and keeping the health to an optimum level.
Seleccionar Doses: 60caps
Amalaki $19.19
$13.59 por garrafa
+ Seguro da remessa do pacote
+ Próximas compras com desconto 10%
salvar: $0.00
Amalaki $34.79
$12.32 por garrafa
+ Seguro da remessa do pacote
+ Próximas compras com desconto 10%
salvar: $2.54
Amalaki $49.19
$11.61 por garrafa
+ Seguro da remessa do pacote
+ Próximas compras com desconto 10%
salvar: $5.94
Seu pedido será embalado de forma segura e protegida e será enviado dentro de 24 horas. É exactamente assim que o seu pacote será (fotos de um envio real). Ele tem o tamanho e a aparência de uma carta pessoal comum (9,4x4,3x0,3 polegadas ou 24x11x0,7cm) e ele não revela o seu conteúdo
País Formas de envio Prazo de entrega Preço  
Entrega 14-21 Dias 10$ Rastreio# disponível em 4 Dias
Entrega 9-14 Dias 30$ Rastreio# disponível em 2 Dias
Envio para todo o mundo Anonimato e sigilo garantidos
Seguro e protegido Pacotes discretos
Pedidos enviados dentro de 24 horas 100% de sucesso nas entregas
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Common use


                Amalaki is commonly used by persons that are under stress or with a weak immune system. The pills help rejuvenate the body and mind but also helps building energy for the imune system to become stronger. Since it's a vitamin C based natural product, it's doesn't require prescription from the doctor.It also provides positive effects over the cardiovascular system by balancing the blood pressure level to an optimum level. Especially useful for older patients.


Dosage and directions


                Although Amalaki is a natural product which needs no prescription from the doctor, it's always best to consult your physician in order to settle the optimal dose and the right period of time for you to take these herbal pills. The normal dosage should be 1-3 times a day depending on the age, medical condition or weight. However, only your personal physician can tell you the exact dosage you should take for the best results.




                If you suffer from diabetes or you have an intolerance to sugar, it's best to avoid using Amalaki as your rejuvenant remedy. Also, using Amalaki by younger persons is not recommended. Pregnant women should consult their doctor before taking Amalaki during and after pregnancy.




                Amalaki is not to be used by small children, pregnant women in their last trimester or people suffering from diabetes. Although natural and based only on herb ingredients, it can provide forms of health problems if used improperly and by the wrong persons.


Possible side effects


                Used in larger doses or on an empty stomach, Amalaki might cause some forms of side effects. Although no reports of serious side effects existing in the present, always make sure to follow instructions in order to avoid unwanted head aches, stomach aches or even vomiting.


Missed dose


                A missed dose does not pose any type of threat to your daily usage of Amalaki. In case you miss to take a dose, proceed with taking it when you remember or skip to the next one if more than five hours have passed. Missed dosed that have passed more than 24 hours should be ignored and skipped for you to return to the daily administration.




                Taking Amalaki in higher doses or without keeping in mind the instructions might lead to light forms of over dose which can be recognized when head aches, stomach aches or forms of nausea start to appear. In case of an over dose, stop taking Amalaki, drink lots of water and seek medical assistance as soon as possible. Forms of intoxication might follow an over dose which in turn might cause, itchiness, blisters or dry mouth.




                Amalaki should be stored in cool and dry places, always in its original box. Not suitable for children or animals and forbidden from being disposed in clean waters. If expired, DO NOT take Amalaki.



            All products presented at this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Don't hesitate to consult your health care practitioner before taking any herbal supplement.

Roberto Revillon
Muito obrigado à empresa, apreciei muito o apoio muito qualificado e extenso. Quando tive dúvidas sobre o estado da minha encomenda fui informado sobre o processo de envio.
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